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Awarded 2020 Non-Profit of the Year

10th Annual Rising in Community Excellence Awards

Learn more... miracle at a time

Who helps to make it all possible...

What's our motivation and mission...

Resources Page for Single Parents...

At aParent Miracles Foundation, we believe we can help single working custodial parents achieve their aspirations as a family... one miracle at a time.

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For a single custodial parent under the constant strain of caring for the financial, physical, and emotional needs of their children— a small, unexpected, and meaningful act of kindness is really a small miracle and can go a very long way.


The aParent Miracles Foundation (aPMF) was created to provide single working parents with financial assistance and/or household needs through acts of kindness we call “Miracle Moments.” Unsurprisingly, these Moments do more than address their immediate needs— they also empower and uplift the hopes of these families.

“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did,

but people will never forget how you made them feel.”

– Maya Angelou


As an aParent Miracles’ Donor, you can have the confidence and peace of mind that your gift is being managed with the utmost care. Our objective is simple and the “why” behind it clear (read Our Story to learn what drives our passion to help single parents).  As a small non-profit organization, we are unable to provide longer, sustained support to our single parent families.  What we can do, through the help of our donors, is provide unexpected, unsolicited assistance to single working parents who are doing all they can to raise their children.

Donate Now at the button below to create a Miracle in a family's life.


learn more about aParent Miracles...

aParent Miracles


At aParent Miracles Foundation, we believe we can help single, working custodial parents achieve their aspirations as a family...

one miracle at a time.



Phone: (770)265-1247

Mailing Address: P.O. Box 5108, Atlanta, Georgia 30302 

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